Friday, 1 April 2011

Week 5 Design - Decision support: from analogue to social interactivity

This weeks lecture comprised a video of the Sagradia Familia explaining the building process. Complex modelling equations, physical models and computer technology were used to continue the builidng process over the last 150 years.

Theme Group: The New Machine

Ben Parker (our tutor) explained that the group was about using a particular emerging technology/technologies to drive a building.

A wikipedia list of emerging technologies was distributed as a starting point to discuss in groups.

Then looked at ideas/functions for the space

-  Memorial
-  Market
-  Sustinable Cafe
-  Performance Centre
-  Art Gallery
-  Museum
-  Meditation

A list of possible technologies was also made to be integrated througout the building.

- Chemical Industry
- Synthetic Biology
- Artificial Photosynthesis -Replicate the natural process of photosynthesis, converting sunlight water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen.
- Biomachines
- Biofuels
- Diffusion
- Concentrated Solar Power

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